Dienstag, 24. Januar 2012

Deepcapure ist wieder online!

Die Internetseite www.deepcapture.com ist wieder erreichbar. Ein Ziel der investigativen Recherchen hatte die Abschaltung der Seite vor einem kanadischen Gericht erreicht. Endlich kann das Team von Deepcapture wieder über die Umtriebe hinter den Kulissen der Finanzindustrie (u.a. Naked Short Selling) berichten:

"In October 2011, Ali Nazerali, a Canadian of Middle Eastern origin who operates boiler rooms (according to regulators) and whose business relationships drew the scrutiny of DeepCapture, went to court in British Columbia to obtain an injunction against the 1st Amendment to the US Constitution (the one regarding freedom of speech and press).  In an ex parte proceeding (meaning that DeepCapture was not even notified of the proceedings, let alone allowed to present any argument),  the Canadian court issued an injunction ordering that DeepCapture be disappeared like some recalcitrant Argentinian muckracker.  Immediately and also without notification, US corporations Google, Bing, and GoDaddy complied with this foreign court’s order to disappear all trace of DeepCapture from existence.

However, in December, 2011 DeepCapture had its chance to speak in court in Canada. Once it had heard our side, the Court  pulled its injunction, and found that Nazerali’s lawyers had misled the Court."


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