Mittwoch, 11. April 2012

Zentralbankpräsidentin Argentiniens: Gelddrucken erzeugt keine Inflation

Mercedes Marcó del Pont, die Zentralbankpräsidentin von Argentinien:

“it is totally false to say that printing more money generates inflation, price increases are generated by other phenomena like supply and external sector’s behaviour”

“We discard that financing the public sector is inflationary because according to that statement the increase in prices are caused by an excess of demand, ... and tensions with prices must be looked on the supply side and the external sector”

=> nachzulesen hier: Printing money does not lead to inflation, argues Argentine central bank president

Natürlich hat Frau Marcó del Pont auch höchste akademische Weihen: einen Master-Abschluss in "International and Development Economics" von der Universität Yale!

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