Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012

Hugh Hendry: "I Have No Idea Where The Stock Market Is Going To Be"... But "I Am Long Gold And Short The S&P"

So formuliert eines meiner Vorbilder, der Hedgefondsmanager Hugh Hendry, sein Berufscredo, das ich absolut teile, nur nicht so kühn hätte formulieren können: "I have resigned from the professional undertaking of coin flipping. I am not here to tell you where gold’s going to be. I have no idea. That’s my existentialism. I am a student of uncertainty, I have no idea where the stock market is going to be. So when I am creating trades in my portfolio for my clients, I am agnostic. I just want to enhance the probability that I make money come what may."

PS: For the records, ich bin anders als Hendry bullish für (sorgsam ausgewählte) Goldminen.

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